I think this is a very good and effective contents page because it has quite a simple but effective layout. I like the way all the different catergories are separated clearly but none of the catergories overshadow any of the others giving the reader a good opportunity to select what most interests them and what they would most like to read first.
I also really like the colours used on this contents page. The theme of neon yellow and hot pink really work well together against the black background and they don't clash which is important for any page in the magazine.
The way different fonts are used on this contents page is also makes it stand out because the different sub-headings are in the font as the title of the page. In addition to this the font used for the title and sub-headings is quite a retro font and this links well with the colours used on the page as they are quite retro colours.
The way certain stories on the contents page are highlighted with a different coloured outline and the page numbers are written bigger and bolder on them indicate they are important stories in the magazine. This is because they are the cover stories and cover stories are always highlighted in a certain way on contents pages.
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